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Gregory Holyoake is an actor, author and a schoolteacher who lives in Deal, Kent. He trained as a schoolmaster at Culham College of Education, Oxfordshire where he gained teaching diplomas in English Literature and Divinity.

As an actor he trained at Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama, Kent, before embarking on a theatrical career, appearing in repertory and repertoire worldwide.

Gregory has been a photo journalist for fifty years and he has appeared regularly in such prestigious national magazines as Country Life, Country Homes and Interiors, This England, The Lady, Illustrated London News, Heritage and Evening Standard.

For five years he was chief reporter for Kent Life when he became an authority on Kentish subjects. He photographed Kent – The County in Colour for Dovecote Press and Scarecrows for Unicorn Press.
He has also written a trilogy of local histories – Deal: Sad, Smuggling Town, Deal: All in the Downs and Wellington at Walmer while his boyhood in postwar Kent is described in detail in The Prefab Kid.His most recent book is Paved with Gold, the Life and Times of the Real Dick Whittington. Secret Deal & Walmer and his first novel, The Rattling Cat were published in 2021.